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Director's Update - Winter 2018

Greetings from Camp Sentinel,

With the early snow fall, the grounds are already blanketed with pure white snow. When I walk through the woods at camp, I notice how pristine and unspoiled the beauty is. A group member commented that, “the stillness was loud”. Sentinel is a special place to renew and recharge through the beauty and quiet of God’s creation. God doesn’t speak any louder at Sentinel, it is just easier to hear Him.

In 2018 we welcomed over 700 summer campers to the grounds, 2,191 guests enjoyed personal retreat, and the Wixson Ministry Retreat was used 138 nights for Pastors and their families to find rest and refreshment.

As we look forward with anticipation to the New Year, I am drawn to the Bible verse in 1 Timothy 4:8 “Godliness has value for all things.” This Bible verse has me reflect upon the idea of godliness and how distinct we are to God. The word distinct means something that is recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type. This truth draws me to learn more about what it means to be godly and the value it has through the discipline of personal attitude of humility, contentment, thankfulness, joy, holiness, gentleness, self control, faithfulness and peace. As I meditate on these attributes, I know God deeper and I want to make Him more known to others.

2019 is a special year as we celebrate 70 years of ministry. I hope you can join us on Saturday, June 29th 2-5pm as we come together for a special afternoon of celebration. Thank you for your involvement and dedication to Sentinel, may God receive the Glory for the things He has, is and will do.

See you on the mountaintop,

Rev. Kevin Van Brunt “Pk”

Executive Director, Camp Sentinel

Bennie the moose covered in fresh snow.
Freshly fallen snow at Sentinel Lodge

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