Important terms of the agreement
Payment & Cancellation Requirements: A non-refundable payment is required to hold your retreat. Full financial commitment is understood by both parties 6 months prior to the event. Should you have to cancel for any reason, please notify Sentinel immediately in writing via US Mail. If Sentinel is re-rented for the specified period, monies will be refunded less a $125.00 cancellation fee. Sentinel reserves the right to automatically cancel a reservation if payment is not received in full 45 days prior to the arrival date. Failure to cancel in writing may result in charging the full final payment. Final payment is due the first day of the event.
Rules Are Few But Important
Group leader or designee should be the first to arrive and last to leave.
Before departure, the group leader should do a walk-through of buildings with Sentinel Staff.
The property and buildings must be left clean and all furniture returned to original place upon departure.
Group will be responsible for any damage caused to the facility by any member of the group.
Linen and towels are not provided. Please bring a sleeping bag or sheets/blankets and pillows.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are allowed on the grounds.
Smoking is not permitted on campus.
Youth groups must have an adult to youth ratio of 1 to 10. An adult must sleep in each area that is used by youth.
Final payment is expected upon arrival.
No pets are allowed.
Copy of liability insurance is due with the agreement.
Sentinel is not responsible for lost and found. Any lost and found will be kept for two weeks, it is the responsibility of the group leader or their designee to pick up the lost and found.
Sentinel has 2 ceiling mounted projectors and 1 wall mounted tv, all HDMI compatible. If your personal device requires something different please bring your own adapter.
29 Sentinel Lodge Road, Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816 603.539.4839